Top Security Agency

    "Trust in Training and Integrity"™

Providing security services for the Sacramento, CA area since 1998!

PPO license #13600.

On site security guards, online training, security products and more.

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Sample Guard-card test question quiz.

This is sample question (though not an actual question) given on the test for a California Guard-card. Keep in mind one of the main points with the required training for a Guard-card is your role as a Security Officer. Top Security Agency holds that the foundation also includes being "comfortable" with your role.

  • After directing Police Officers to a location on your site one tells you to go wait in another area or where you are. So long as you are in uniform and and working the property you can/must:

Ignore his/her instructions and follow them.

Do as you are instructed.

Call the management/owner of the property.

Remind them your wearing a uniform and can go with them should you please.